
Showing posts from April, 2011


Whether with performance reviews or any other feedback, most managers are trained to look for weaknesses and deficiencies. Even if they are hard to find. In the conversations the focus is on what is not good (in the eyes of the manager). This creates an atmosphere of fear. The employee is afraid that he/she doesn’t perform well and that it might even have an influence on their salary. There is hardly any time left to discuss the strengths and talents. There are never ideas generated in a culture of fear and a focus on weaknesses. Rather the opposite, as people try to limit their exposure. If you want to create an atmosphere of opportunity, then you need to focus on: -        what are the strengths -        what has worked well -        how to improve   strengths -        what they need to have a bigger impact -        what support you can give With that focus, people become enthusiastic and motivated to come up with ideas and make innovation happen. So, what are your strengths


It is no coincidence that most start-ups are initiated by young people. Why? Young people don’t have so many limited beliefs ( “I can’t do this’; I don’t have enough knowledge/experience’) as older people. Their neural pathways are not so deep and fixed into their system. Also the comfort level is not so high yet. Young people don’t own big houses (and mortgages) and they are not ‘chained’ by relational commitments (spouse, children) either. That makes it easier to dive into the deep without a safety belt on. Nevertheless, you can also make the jump when you are at an older age. The main key is to make sure that your thinking, your mind remains young, or becomes young again. If you really are fed up with your current job/career/business/project, than you can escape it and create your own life, consciously and sustainably. Downshifting provides the means and the space to start up something new. It is crucial to keep your mind young, to keep it  focused on newness and not on the past.


This week I did have a discussion with some executives. They proudly mentioned how creative they were. They had added a high quality research report to their offering. The quality of the report was their usp. From an innovation perspective, this is only at best an improvement. It clearly is no breakthrough. But, because they were already working for many years in their particular industry, they assumed that it was a huge deal. Maybe it is when you look at it from the old, historical perspective. However, when you look at his with a fresh, detached perspective, you immediately notice that it is just a small improvement. People who work for many years in a industry really need the help of an outsiders view. They can help you to let go of the old practice and to have a true market-in view. Are you consciously removing the blinders? GROW YOUR PEOPLE, GROW YOUR BUSINESS!


Last week I was reflecting on the changes which occurred in the business world in the last ten years. I am inclined to say that that there is a massive shift going on. On the other side not much is happening as well. This a bit cryptic, what do I mean? Massive change is occurring in the marketplace. For example, have a look at new (mobile) technologies, the influence of customers via social media, globalization, shortening product life cycles and so on. However, when you look at the way most big companies are working and marketing and selling and automating........ Well there hasn’t changed much. It looks like they have put a big wall around themselves to prevent any outside influence. Of course they still have their R&D and marketing departments, but they observe from a distance only. And leaders are not willing to change themselves either, so the comfort zone rules. Yes, yes, there is still quite some change happening. But I would call that ‘protective’ change. They protect