
Showing posts from October, 2011


There is a fine line between perseverance and choosing another approach. Let me explain. If something (e.g. your marketing campaign; your sales calls; your partnerships) is not working, you should not stop after having tried it just a couple of times. You really need to give it some time and analyse the various reactions and perspectives. It is good to not give up and persevere. But there comes a time when you have to reflect on your approach if there are no results. If you have the feeling that you have given your (old) approach a fair chance, then it is time to change the course. Develop a new approach and go for that. The timing is crucial. If you stick too long to a not-working approach then you become stubborn and frustrated. However, you need to get the juices flowing again! So, stop when you are starting to feel frustrated and cynical. There are multiple roads which lead to Rome. What is your new road? GROW YOUR PEOPLE, GROW YOUR BUSINESS!


Do you want ………? -        To have new ideas -        To see new perspectives -        To solve problems -        To cope with huge amounts of work -        To be kind to ‘difficult’ people -        To have more energy Well, yes that would be very good, wouldn’t it! There is a simple method, which you can apply regularly. It doesn’t cost much and you can do it all by yourself. The solution: Have a good night sleep (min 7 hours) and when you are awake, go do some exercise (walk, bike, run). When you have showered and eaten a good breakfast, you will feel reenergized and enthusiastic. Your clear mind will make sure that you work fast and focussed and that new insight is abundantly available. Go ahead, try it, it works! GROW YOUR PEOPLE, GROW YOUR BUSINESS!

Innovation demands faster adaptation (and change)

Yesterday I had a conversation with some ‘traditional’ business people. They see that there is a need for change and even for systemic change (like in the banking system). But,,,,,,,, yes, there was a but. They said that this kind of change requires a lot of time and can’t be done overnight. That is of course the situation. However in most cases this prevents people from starting to work on this systemic change in the first place. There is only a lot of talk and not much doing. They still look at this diffusion of innovation as a process, which will take (many) years. The reality is that the speed of innovation is measured in months now, rather than in years.  This means that there is less time to adapt and to adopt. Your ability to respond quickly is crucial. Do you have a special team which monitors the market and who is authorized to respond quickly? GROW YOUR PEOPLE, GROW YOUR BUSINESS!